AMA Chapter 1632

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Attention IT's ama renwal time!
Now accepting applications with club dues for 2025.
Please submit your application and payments in the mail.
Checks should be made out to neprcc and mailed to
NEPRCC PO Box 52436 Phila, PA 19115


This section is dedicated to the many tips and tricks that our members can use for building, flying, and general knowledge of our Hobby. If there is a certain  technique, information, or product that you would like to share on this page please fill out the form located to the right and I will add it to the lower section of this page for all to enjoy.


I found a spray paint that doesn’t eat foam. And it works great. Available from E-bay  See Link Below.

From Charles Cerino

Also for foam Rustoleum 2x from Home Depot works. As with all raddle can painting always hold the can 18 inches away from the foam when spraying and use a dust mask. Angelo Tata 

            Liquitex                             Rustoleum X2

LEXEL Adhesive, 

Although it is solvent based it is very low VOC and works for foam and just about anything else. It takes a little time to bond and fully cures in 48hrs. It stays flexible and dries crystal clear. Available in squeeze tubes.


I have used it and think it's better than Foam Tac Available at Lowes and Ace Hdw. Stores. HD has a similar product although I haven't tried it. It is marketed as an alternative to silicone caulk and is paintable. Angleo Tata.

I found that open jars of paint if stored lid side down will keep for long periods of time... J M Kleemann